Our signature annual event bringing together people from across the country and political spectrum to find common ground
For four years running, we’ve brought together people passionate about reform from all across the country. It started in 2019 when approximately one hundred committed and concerned citizens, representing diverse backgrounds and ideologies, gathered in the nation’s capital. What started as a founding conversation has become an important annual event.
Learn more about the 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 National Assemblies below.
2022 National Assembly
During the 2022 National Assembly - held June 26th, The People’s co-founders, Board Chairman Andrew Shue and Executive Director Katie Fahey, provided updates on the Meeting of America project and our 2022 Election Strategy.
2021 National Assembly: Seeking Effective Elections
We had participants from every region of the country and across the political spectrum that came together to discuss the importance of having elections that are both secure and representative of the will of the people. This was the first year we had volunteer-led planning, and was the start of our Citizen Engagement Forums.
The direction of our 2021 National Assembly was inspired by our #ComeTogether Challenge, which brought many new volunteers to The People.
Attendees participated in 20 total in-depth discussions around the issue of effective elections.
80% of event survey respondents reported having met and gotten to know someone with a different political perspective, and believe common ground was identified & 90% believed that everyone’s point of view - including their own - was heard respectfully.
2020 National Assembly: Call to Action
Our 2020 National Assembly took place two months into the pandemic, with safe access to the 2020 election top of mind. We challenged those who attended that this is a moment for action unlike any other – an opportunity for incredible structural change. During the Assembly we separated into breakout groups to brainstorm what we The People can do to bend the arc in the direction of a more inclusive and responsive government. We then asked each group to take their ideas one step further and create Action Statements, focusing on specific policies, rules, laws or other political processes or structures on which we The People could take action. The 2020 National Assembly also paved the way for our S.A.F.E. Challenge, which called for safe and fair elections, and gained support from volunteers in every state.
2019 National Assembly: Where it all began
In May 2019, the first National Assembly of The People was held in Washington, D.C. A group of 100 citizens from all 50 states, representing all demographics, sides and views came together.
The People established that our American Values are in jeopardy. We overcame our differences for the sake of the nation, and together we wrote our founding document, the Declaration of The People.
After 48 hours of deliberation, drafting and voting, the Declaration of The People, which outlined those things we could no longer accept from our government and our vision of what America could be, passed with a 95% approval vote, and then was signed by those delegates from across the country.