Action Statements
2020 National (Virtual) Assembly
Action Statements
This is a moment for action unlike any other – an opportunity for incredible structural change.
At the 2019 National Assembly in DC, we accomplished what many would call impossible – we brought together 100 demographically diverse individuals whose common thread was their desire to get past partisanship, find common ground, and work towards a more representative and responsive government. We did some groundbreaking work that laid the foundation for an eventful year – and then, in the midst of it, we entered a pandemic that has changed life as we know it. It was a moment where the entire world was having the same experience for the first time in our lifetimes, possibly in human history.
This was the backdrop for our National (Virtual) Assembly on May 17, 2020. We challenged those who attended that this is a moment for action unlike any other – an opportunity for incredible structural change. During the Assembly we separated into breakout groups to brainstorm what we The People can do to bend the arc in the direction of a more inclusive and responsive government. We then asked each group to take their ideas one step further and create Action Statements, focusing on specific policies, rules, laws or other political processes or structures that we The People could take action on towards reform.
The following Action Statements were voted upon by Assembly attendees, and passed by a 70% majority:
We commit to fighting for every American’s ability to vote safely, securely, and without undue limitations.
We commit to creating political solutions that faithfully represent the will of the people.
We believe that innovative solutions are the way we will move forward together as a country.
We commit to building trust with each other so we can create an honest conversation about where we should focus our work – to make the most impact.
We commit to focus on fixing the primary system to create more competition.
We commit to forming a working group to evaluate state by state the reforms that would be most impactful.
We commit to taking the actions we can to make sure all Americans have equal and equitable access to voting, both in the primary and the general election.
We commit to simplifying civic engagement for our citizens.
We commit to interjecting ourselves into the system (peacefully from within the system).
We will work towards less polarization.
We believe that money should not buy elections.
We commit to work toward giving people the ability to use as many voting methods as possible.
We commit to work toward making free and open access to getting on a ballot.
We commit to building a people’s movement to push the system to be more oriented to human needs, not just corporate profits.
We commit to taking actions to ensure that people have the maximum opportunity to vote (open more polling places, keep the polling places open longer hours, shift the vote to a National Holiday, for example, Veteran’s Day, and broaden the opportunity to vote by mail as long as you can show proof that you are alive; for example, filing income tax that year, having an active social security number).
We commit to enforcing the preamble of the constitution: all people have access to educational and economic opportunity, a just and equitable life regardless of their background, their income level, or their religious beliefs. Our culture will be judged by how we care for the least among us.
We will work to refresh the political system with adjusted priorities to reflect a respect for our history with the understanding that times, people, and knowledge change over time.
This is the 150th anniversary of the 15th amendment and the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, and so it is appropriate that we continue the work to make sure every American can cast a meaningful ballot.