The People's Interactive Guide to Voter Access & Election Integrity Across the US
Tired of partisan takes on the state of our elections? Looking for an objective tool to gauge where your state stands on issues related to election security and access?
The diverse group of political buffs in our Voting Rights Committee has designed and developed a comprehensive election tracking resource to understand where states are succeeding and where there is room for improvement when it comes to having effective elections.
Our goal is to encourage everyone to think about how to make our elections better, so we can all vote and trust the results. We take the following into account:
Subtopics: gerrymandering, political contributions and competitive candidates
Subtopics: total turnout, youth turnout, minorities turnout
Subtopics: early voting on weekends, easy mail voting, methods to avoid fraud
Subtopics: official efforts to check for errors, efforts to disclose them when found
Start thinking about how to make our elections better and check out Vote-o-Pedia today!