The People New Hampshire

For current information, including on working groups you can join, please visit the dedicated New Hampshire Together website at

About New Hampshire Together

In New Hampshire, we are helping people come together as a community, putting party loyalty aside, to work to fix our broken relationship with each other and with our democracy - rule by rule, community by community,  reform by reform. We do this by first gaining community insight, determining citizen goals, and building an agenda for future progress. The goal is to help forge the way towards real systemic change and pave the way for others in New Hampshire to follow suit.

In The News

In The News

In June of 2024, a representative group of Granite Staters came together for an in-person Citizens Assembly in Manchester to discuss how to ensure confidence in New Hampshire elections, reduce extreme polarization, and improve political responsiveness to the public.

The New Hampshire Together Citizens Assembly considered specific options for addressing the above issues, then voted to support to a plan that can deliver results in the 2025 legislative session. Learn more about the work they began and how it is continuing to progress below.

New Hampshire Together

Upcoming Events

Join us for a community conversation event near you! We will be holding events across the state to find common ground solutions for our priority issues. Don’t see an event in your area? Stay tuned as we continue to add additional dates.

Email for more information.

Get Involved

Granite Staters are the core of our work in New Hampshire, and we want YOU to get involved!

Join us!

New Hampshire Together Advisory Council

Meet our leadership

Brian Hettrick, Sunshine Initiative

Eric Herr, former senior executive in the investment management, hardware, and software industries

Charlie Wheelan, Unite America, Policy Fellow at Dartmouth, Rockefeller Center

James McKim, Community Leader

Anna Brown, Citizens Count

Michelle Holt-Shannon, New Hampshire Listens

Olivia Zink, Open Democracy

Dellie Champagne, Community Leader

Voter Perspective

In December 2023, we partnered with the University of New Hampshire Survey Research Center to conduct a statewide survey expanding upon the insights provided by Granite Staters during our listening sessions in communities across New Hampshire. 

We found that Granite Staters are gravely concerned about polarization and violence, want to address political dysfunction, and are ready to participate in finding a way forward together.

91% say political polarization is threatening our way of life.

74% are concerned about the possibility of election-related violence in the 2024 presidential election.

96% say it is important to make politicians more responsive to voters

92% say it is important to reduce extreme partisanship and political polarization

90% say it is important to improve voter trust and confidence in elections

91% say the general public has a responsibility to overcome political divisions in New Hampshire.

55% say they would definitely (22%) or probably (32%) be interested in participating in a series of discussions with other Granite Staters about problems facing the state, identifying possible solutions for addressing them, and working with State Legislators to pass new policies that could make a positive difference on those issues.

In 2020 and 2021, we spoke with a wide range of Granite Staters to hear their thoughts around civic engagement, reform issues, and growing partisanship.

We found that the majority of the Granite Staters we heard from are willing to engage in the political process to make positive change to the system, and to reach outside their own networks to bridge political divides.

Our learnings have shaped the way we work in New Hampshire, and will continue to be incorporated as we bring together more voices.

