Safe and Fair Elections -
S.A.F.E Challenge
Secure and Fair Elections - S.A.F.E. Challenge
An Open Letter To America
As our country has mobilized to deal with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded of the importance of maintaining the health of our democratic institutions.
The health crisis has ramifications for all aspects of our civil society--from the economy to our schools to our democratic republic itself.
We pledge to make sure that our foundational democratic practices and liberties are protected and made more responsive to the American people while we do what is needed to deal with the coronavirus crisis.
In 2019, The People established itself as a national organization at a founding Assembly where our founding declaration was written by 100 diverse Americans each of the United States, the District of Columbia, and a United States territory. Our mission: to enable Americans to find common ground and take action together to create a more responsive government of, by, and for the people.
We, the undersigned, join with The People and:
Call on our state and federal elected officials to ensure that every American can vote safely from home this November.
Will come together, get organized, and put party loyalty aside and work together to fix our democratic republic--rule by rule and state by state.
We come together with shared feelings of frustration, patriotism, renewed motivation, and invite the people to be the common good solution so that our popular sovereignty guides our Republic once more - from the Declaration of The People.